Friday, December 23, 2011

Install Entando on Netbeans

Hi to all,
yes again here speaking about  Entando, after installing it with maven (First step with Entando ), now we go to install Entando using NetBeans 7.01

  java, postgresql, tomcat, NetBeans 7.01 are all present on the PC.
  a postgresql user agile with password agile is configured
  1. Start Netbeans
  2. Create New Project
  3. Select Maven - Project From Archetype click Next
  4. Select Archetypes from Remote Repository
  5. Select Entando: Archetype For Generic Portal (the version number can be different)
  6. Click next and complete the form

yes we've just create a project based on Entando (whow very simple and fast).

Another few important steps
 1. create the db:
  1.1 in your project expand the build.xml file
  1.2 execute  PG-db-full-update this task create the db used by the project

 2. run the project
  2.1 click on run project select your webapp server I suggest tomcat 6.xx

  if all it's ok you'll see this page

  login as suggested in the web page and you see the administration console

Fine yes?
Simple poprtal with no plugin so next question is How can I insert a plugin in my project/portal?
first read the entando guide:
  How to add some Plugins to my own portal based on mavenized Entando  on GitHub

Read it?
Ok, go back to NetBeans
stop tomcat and open pom.xml file
insert the code you find in the entando guide and your pom.xml will look like this

pay attention to change the version (here we have 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT) to the last one, how? easy select 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT  and click ctrlspacebar and Netbeans will suggest you the last number version.
Save the pom.xml file, clean and build your project.

Now it's time to update the db to be compliant with the plugin inserted in the project, so expand the build.xml file and execute the task PG-db-restore-plugins

Run the projcet, login and you can see the plugin in the list.

et voilĂ , very simple and easy.

Now it's Christmas time so
Happy Christmas to all 


Friday, December 16, 2011

First step with Entando

The new version of Entando is out and as reported in the following post "Enter Maven and GitHub"   mMven and GitHub are used.

mmm ... Maven?
question: how do I install / use the new version of Entando?
answer: ?????

So I started studying a bit of Maven, read the blog posts, wikis, tested,...

So the result is I can install and deploy a portal based on Entando in a few minutes
  java, postgresql, tomcat are all present on the PC.
  a postgresql user agile with password agile is configured .
1. Install maven
2. open a terminal
3. create a directory for the project you want to create
3. cd into the directory you just created
4. type mvn archetype: generate-Dfilter = entando
5. answer the following questions:
5.1 Choose archetype:
1: remote -> org.entando.entando: entando-archetype-plugin-generic (Generic Archetype Plugin for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source portal platform.)
2: remote -> org.entando.entando: entando-generic-portal-archetype (Archetype for Entando Generic Portal: an agile, modern and user-centric open source portal platform.)
Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:] artifactId, contains case sensitive):
choose 2

Choose org.entando.entando: entando-portal-archetype-generic version:
2: 2.4.0
Choose a number: 2:
choose 1 [the list of version may differ we're now on version 4.0]
Define value for property 'groupId':: it.testentando
Define value for property 'artifactId':: testentando
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: (accept default)
Define value for property 'package': it.testentando: (accept default)
displays the list of choices if you run press Y otherwise press N and repeat from step 5.1
That's all now we have a folder containing the created project (in this case testentando).
6.Populate the db
6.1 Configure the buildProperties.xml for your Operatin System
6.2 open a  terminal and type
cd testentando
ant  PG-db-full-update 
This step is not required , no postgres is require for the first run.

7. last step:
in the folder src/main/filters check the properties file to ensure that the configurations of Tomcat and the postgresql password is correct (in case you doesn't use agile/agile).

Now you're ready to start the portal.
  mvn clean jetty:run 


et voilĂ  Entando is running

            The Entando wiki on GitHub
            Entando download

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Replication stars

Datacharmer post:
Working with replication, you come across many topologies, some of them sound and established, some of them less so, and some of them still in the realm of the hopeless wishes. I have been working with replication for almost 10 years now, and my wish list grew quite big during this time. In the last 12 months, though, while working at Continuent, some of the topologies that I wanted to work with have moved from the cloud of wishful thinking to the firm land of things that happen. My quest for star replication starts with the most common topology. One master, many slaves (...)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Pentaho Dynamic setting Y-Axis

Working on Entando / Pentaho integration, one of the customer request was :
"I needed to be able to change the minimum and maximum Y-axis at run time."

  • Below the solution I've used:
  • create reports
  • insert the chart
  • open the properties window
  • in the scripting language choose BeanShell
  • insert the following script

import org.jfree.chart.*;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import java.lang.Double;
data = runtime.getData();
minVal =999999.0;
maxVal = 0.0;
for (int i=0;i latteProd = data.getValueAt(i,2);
if(latteProd < minVal){
minVal = latteProd;
if(latteProd > maxVal){
maxVal = latteProd;
xyPlot = chart.getPlot();
NumberAxis domain = (NumberAxis) xyPlot.getRangeAxis();
domain.setRange((minVal - (minVal*.10)), (maxVal+ (maxVal*.10)));

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Automating iOS Application Testing: Under the Hood, Capturing and Recording Events

Stu Stern post on
"Recording UI events for playback means filtering thousands of data points and condensing them into a single action. With iOS, this can be done with swizziling and other unusual language features of Objective-C."


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Dr Dobb's - Fast XML Parsing in Ruby

Sometimes the fastest way to parse a known XML stream is to write your own lean parser. Even in Ruby, this gives remarkable performance benefits.

Most programming languages have their own XML parser libraries. And many of those use the DOM (Document Object Model) API. DOM is good for general-purpose XML processing: The input is parsed into a tree structure that can be modified and written back out. Often whitespace is preserved so the output is identical to the input if it is not modified. This generality comes at a cost: large memory requirements (often more than double the input size) and slow read and write. For applications that read the XML data for only specific pieces of information, there are better alternatives.

Full post on Dr Dobb's

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Creating a Business Intelligence Culture

From the last  Ann All post
"For some time now there's been a lot of buzz about companies getting business intelligence into the hands of more users, with the aim of getting the right information to the right people at the right time (or words to that effect). The conventional wisdom: Companies are limiting the potential usefulness of BI by making it available only to specialists, who create reports from centralized data and make those reports available only to select decision makers. 
Not everyone agrees with this, of course..."

New Case Studies for jAPS 2.0 Entando

Some examples about how partners, organizations and governments are using jAPS 2.0 Entando platform:

Matt Casters on Data Integration » Data Modeling

Very Interesting post from Matt Casters about  data modeling
Read it

Thursday, October 27, 2011

jAPS 2.0 Entando Released "GisContent": the new jAPS 2.0 Entando community plugin to manage geographic information

GisContent a new community plugin for the open source web platform jAPS 2.0 Entando has just been released and it is now available to download The new plugin has been developed by CRS4, Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia, R&D partner of jAPS 2.0 Entando.

GisContent enables geographic information management: it makes possible to couple any type of content in the CMS database with a geographic reference and display it on maps. 


Monday, October 24, 2011

A New Way to Visualize Big Data | CIO Blogs

Big data is an ocean of data flowing around us. It comes from social media, e-commerce, financial exchanges, supply chains, streaming video, twitter and the clickstream of two billion (soon to be four billion) people surfing the web and talking to each other at any given moment.

Social Sentiment Plugin Analyzes Twitter, Facebook in Real Time

From CmsWire:
Have you ever wanted to analyze the sentiment of your Twitter or Facebook content without having to employe some clunky, expensive application or widget? Look no further than ViralHeat’s new plugin for Chrome.

'via Blog this'

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pentaho tutorial

Working on the Entando/Pentaho integration I found this  etl-tools tutorials pages with a  lot of  real-life examples

InfoQ: Test automation and Continuous Delivery

InfoQ: Test automation and Continuous Delivery:
Software testing and verification needs a careful and diligent process of impersonating an end user, trying various usages and input scenarios, comparing and asserting expected behaviors. Directly, the words "careful and diligent" invoke the idea of letting a computer program do the job. Automating certain programmable aspects of your test suite thus can help software delivery massively...

Observer pattern

The essence of the Observer Pattern is to "Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically." GoF. Observer pattern is a subset of publish/subscribe pattern which allows a number of observer objects to see an event.

more on Alex Blog

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How REST replaced SOAP on the Web: What it means to you

Its been slowly creeping up on us, creating exciting new possibilities for our applications; APIs are changing the face of the Web. Since 2005 Programmable Web have been tracking SOAP and REST APIs available to the public.  In 2005 they tracked 105 APIs, the prominent ones being from Amazon, Google, SalesForce and eBay... 
Read more on infoQ

Mass SQL Injection Attack Hits 1 Million Sites - Dark Reading

A mass-injection attack similar to the highly publicized LizaMoon attacks this past spring has infected more than 1 million ASP.NET Web pages, Armorize researchers said today. According to database security experts, the SQL injection technique used in this attack depends on the same sloppy misconfiguration of website servers and back-end databases that led to LizaMoon's infiltration.

iPad driving massive growth for iOS in enterprise (survey) | ZDNet

Despite speculation that iPad 2 sales have been a letdown for Apple, the device is driving growth for iOS in general in the enterprise world.

'via Blog this'

Google Analytics Blog: Introducing Flow Visualization: visualizing visitor flow

Google Analytics Blog: Introducing Flow Visualization: visualizing visitor flow:
At Web 2.0 Summit, Susan Wojcicki & Phil Mui unveiled the release of “Flow Visualization” in Google Analytics, a tool that allows you to analyze site insights graphically, and instantly understand how visitors flow across pages on your site. Starting this week, “Visitors Flow” and “Goal Flow” will be rolling out to all accounts. Other types of visualizers will be coming to Google Analytics in the coming few months, but in the meantime, here’s what you can expect from this initial release.
'via Blog this'

The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency - Local government - Department for Communities and Local Government

The Code is concerned with enshrining the principles of transparency by asking councils to follow three key principles when publishing data they hold:
  • responding to public demand
  • releasing data in open formats available for re-use
  • releasing data in a timely way.


'via Blog this'

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

4 Tips to Help Define Your Social Media ROI

If there were a way to know how many Facebook fans or Twitter followers were needed to convert a sale, social media wouldn’t be such a hard sell to companies. Yet, as we know, social media is much more than Twitter and Facebook, and your return on investment is much more than dollars earned.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Business Intelligence in the heads of people: The right tool for the right job - Part 1

Business Intelligence in the heads of people: The right tool for the right job - Part 1:
You have questions. How do you get your answers? The methods and the tools used to help get those answers to business questions will vary per organization. For those without established BI solutions; using desktop database query and spreadsheet tools are...all too common. And...If there is a BI tool in place...
'via Blog this'

Introduction to Cloud Foundry - YouTube

Introduction to Cloud Foundry - YouTube:
An introduction to Cloud Foundry open Platform as a Service
* What is Cloud Foundry "open PaaS" and why Multi-Cloud is critical
* The Cloud Foundry eco-system - frameworks, services and clouds
* Live demo:, Micro Cloud Foundry, Spring Roo, STS, Ruby, Node.js, MySQL, Postgres, Redis

Presenter: Dekel Tankel, VMware
Recorded on Oct 5, 2011

'via Blog this'

Monday, October 17, 2011

10 Smart Enterprise Uses For Twitter

From  The BrainYard - InformationWeek I suggest to have a lokk t this slide show

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How to initiate kids (or anyone) in coding | Emma Mulqueeny

How to initiate kids (or anyone) in coding | Emma Mulqueeny

'via Blog this'

Google has acquired Twitter statistics startup SocialGrapple

Google has acquired Twitter statistics startup SocialGrapple, a move suggesting the search titan is looking to boost its Google+ analytics tracking abilities.

16 Pixels: For Body Copy. Anything Less Is A Costly Mistake - Smashing Magazine | Smashing Magazine

16 Pixels: For Body Copy. Anything Less Is A Costly Mistake
Smashing Magazine 

The 4 Prerequisites of Business Intelligence - Insurance & Technology

What steps must insurance companies take to move beyond point solutions to enterprisewide business intelligence that drives informed, data-driven decision making at all levels of the organization?
read it

The future of open data? | News |

The future of open data?
Jonathan Gray gives a sneak preview of what will happen at the Open Government Data Camp 2011, the world's biggest open data event to date, which will take place in Warsaw on 20-21st October The future of open data?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

real-time streaming data aggregation

I suggest reading the article of Matthew where he talks about the Real TimeStreaming with Kettle read it

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How Google+ is built — Tech News and Analysis

If you’re curious about all things Google+, you’re in luck. The project’s technical lead, Google engineer Joseph Smarr, is currently hosting an online question and answer session about the service — and he has already shared a number of details about Google+’s development, technology, and plans for the future. read more

Monday, July 11, 2011

Charting: Categorical Charts and XY-Charts

From Reporting Tales:
"Reporting without charting is like zombies without inevitable hunt for fresh brains. ..."
Read more

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Useful Web Apps for Designers

15 Useful Web Apps for Designers | Tools:
There are lots of web apps these days and they are very popular because of time-saving and productivity benefits. Web apps work on almost all platforms and you can access them from any device. You don’t need to install anything ...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Latest News for Do It The jAPS Way

Today I wish to suggest you tis last two post from
Showlet Management console
It's time to edit



Monday, May 2, 2011

Couchbase Releases Beta for Mobile Couchbase for iOS

iPhone and iPad developers now have access to the market’s leading NoSQL database technology, and the only one providing native mobile-to-cloud data synchronization
more on noSqlSDtabases

02/05/2011 — Webinar: "Portal Meets Business Intelligence: 3A Latte Arborea, a Case Study about Dairy and Farming in Italy"

Tzente and Pentaho, on 24 th of May at 4:00 p.m. Italian time, organize a Webinar to present the integration between jAPS 2.0 entando platform and Pentaho Business Intelligence entitled "Portal Meets Business Intelligence: 3A Latte Arborea, a Case Study about Dairy and Farming in Italy".

During this webinar, you will see how 3A Latte Arborea, an Italian dairy and farming company, is using an integrated instance of the open source portal jAPS 2.0 entando and Pentaho Business Intelligence to satisfy the entire analytics process of their products, from the producer to the dairy.
The integration between jAPS 2.0 entando and Pentaho allows users to leverage a simple, customizable web interface for information sharing, collaborating, reporting, and charting economic and productivity data. The system processes the collected information and generates key performance indicators (KPIs) that individual companies use to compare with the entire sector.It also highlights areas of positive and negative performance, allowing companies to make faster, more informed decisions .

Details and Register

Friday, April 15, 2011

Setting up a Hadoop development environment

Hadoop is a platform for performing distributed computing. That's easy enough to understand, right? There are some add-ons for things such as distributed file storage and distributed database access, but at the heart of it, Hadoop is a processing platform that partitions the work across multiple machines in a cluster.
Read this post for setting it up.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

LiquidTest for Selenium released

JadeLiquid is proud to announce the addition of native Selenium support in LiquidTest 3.0, the Web Application Testing tool. LiquidTest is the first tool to support the Selenium specification outside the core Selenium implementation. With this clean-room Selenium implementation LiquidTest nowprovides a robust Recording and Replay engine for ... 

Translate SQL to MongoDB MapReduce :: myNoSQL

Translate SQL to MongoDB MapReduce :: myNoSQL

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mikael Ronstrom: MySQL Cluster - NoSQL access with some SQL

Mikael Ronstrom: MySQL Cluster - NoSQL access with some SQL: "As someone noted in a blog, the NDB API is a NoSQL API that was designed 15 years ago."

Developing Community Management Metrics and Tools for Mozilla

Interesting post from
read it

The NewSQL Movement - ReadWriteCloud

"This post is part of our ReadWriteCloud channel, which is dedicated to covering virtualization and cloud computing. The channel is sponsored by Intel and VMware. Read the case study about how IBM helped one client solved its server sprawl problems."
The NewSQL Movement - ReadWriteCloud

Friday, April 1, 2011

Google Page Speed Goes Online and Mobile

Google has made Page Speed available online, enhancing it for analyzing web pages targeted at smartphones.
more on InfoQ

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Google gets Snappy over compression

Google has released its Snappy Compression and Decompression library as Apache-licensed open source. Previously referred to as "Zippy", the C++ based Snappy aims for "very high speeds with reasonable compression". This means that it's compression level is only around half that achieved with programs such as zlib
Read the readmefile on google code 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

InfoQ: Web vs. Desktop Apps: “Never Bet Against the Open Web”

HTML5 and EcmaScript 5, provide very powerful APIs that blur the line between the Web and the Desktop user experience. This has resulted in more organizations choosing to build their applications using Web technologies, rather than using the traditional Desktop approach. In order to explore the evolution of this trend, InfoQ had an interview with Dylan Schieman, CEO of SitePen and co-creator of the Dojo Toolkit, about the potential of the Web platform.
more ...

PART 1: Learning MongoDb, MongoMapper, and Mustache

PART 1: Learning MongoDb, MongoMapper, and Mustache

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Document Collaboration Evolves Into a Complex Powerhouse

From cmswire:
"If ever a topic were complex, it is the evolution of document collaboration. The complexity emanates from the evolution of the document itself. In fact, today when people talk of document management, an initial grounding question should be “define document." Content is perhaps a better word nowadays. Isn’t a web page a document? An email, tweet, instant message, digitzed video, image file, mashup of several content sources? Today, when one speaks of a “document,” the possibilities are limitless."

Android Linux FUD Debunked | ZDNet

Android Linux FUD Debunked | ZDNet

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

DataStax Wants To Make Cassandra The Best NoSQL Of Them Al

The NoSQL databases featuring massive scalability developed for and used by the big social networks like Facebook and Twitter have created a whole new category.  Amazingly (or not) most of the competitors in this space are open source projects.  Most of these open source projects also have corporate entities that have sprung up around them to offer support and services. Perhaps the first and one of the better known of these open source NoSQL projects is CassandraDataStax is the company that is bringing Cassandra support, products and services to market.
more on networkworld

A great interactive tutorial for MongoDB

a nice tutorial to start with  MongoDB

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Setting up a Hadoop development environment

Hadoop is a platform for performing distributed computing. That’s easy enough to understand, right? There are some add-ons for things such as distributed file storage and distributed database access, but at the heart of it, Hadoop is a processing platform that partitions the work across multiple machines in a cluster.
More ...

Friday, March 11, 2011

Is BI Really for Everyone?

Interesting article on blog.technologyevaluation read it 

RainStor 4.5 For Big Data

RainStor has announced the next generation of its online data repository, adding data deduplication capabilities and improved optimization for storing computer-generated historical data. Able to run on a storage area network (SAN) or network-attached storage (NAS) system as a repository for structured data, RainStor 4.5 is aimed at capturing and then serving up online transaction processing (OLTP) data sets, user log data and metadata. Computerworld reports that the software comes with a RDF interface to automatically join data from relational databases to the repository.

Implementing MapReduce with Akka and Jython

Actor model is usually used for implementations of concurrent systems. A recent representative of concurrent systems is MapReduce
Read how Saeki try to  implement MapReduce system using Akka.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nick Kallen Discusses Scala at Twitter

Nick Kallen from Twitter is interviewed by Randy Shoup about Twitter's use of the Scala programming language. Nick discusses using Scala to build high-performance and scalable network services (including FlockDB), the powerful dualism of Scala which combines the best of object-oriented and functional approaches and also provides his views on the tradeoffs between static and dynamic languages.

InfoQ: Scaling with MongoDB

InfoQ: Scaling with MongoDB
Roger Bodamer provides advice on scaling out MongoDB using replica sets and auto-sharding, plus tips for database deployment and scaling use cases.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The BPM Chronicles: French local authority discovers the power of BPM through Bonita Open Solution

From Bonitasoft:
"Recently a large local authority in France came to BonitaSoft for help. They needed a better way to log and track requests to repair roads. We provided them with a package that included on-site training and support. This is the newest addition to our ongoing series highlighting customer experiences with Bonita Open Solution.

An interesting interview on Wired with Maria Silvia Libe of Elsag Datamat

An interesting interview on Wired with Maria Silvia Libe of Elsag Datamat, System Integrator partner of the jAPS 2.0 project

Thursday, February 17, 2011

jAPS2.0 New Case Study

An interesting case study on the new Italian Civil Defence website, designed and developed by Elsag Datamat, System Integrator Partner of jAPS 2.0 project.                                  
Discover more on

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Announcing Bonita Open Solution 5.4

BonitaSoft announce the release 5.4 of his open source bpm product Bonita
From the Bonitasoft web:

Major benefits of this version include:
● Improved modeling usability: It is now possible to create and update even more complex process models with Bonita Studio. Users can easily move in the process diagram (i.e. zoom in and zoom out), move and align blocks of steps, as well as customize the display of diagrams.
● Advanced customization possibilities: Users can now create totally customized forms for their BPM applications (with their own HTML code input, conditional page flow, and form redirection). The Bonita User Experience BPM portal can also be customized to adapt to any organization’s graphical and functional requirements
● Fast and easy deployment: Bonita Open Solution deployment has been streamlined so that it can now be achieved in a few clicks — and in REST mode. Bonita Open Solution is also available in Tomcat and JBoss bundles, allowing fast and hassle-free production deployments.
Read all the news

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Easy Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) : Setting up Enterprise Private Cloud - Eucalyptus

Hi, today I need to suggest a Tejas Bavishi post:
During many phased of SDLC, there is a need to create hardware and software environments repeatedly to perform development, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. This repeated deployment of hardware and software takes lot of time and eats into the bandwidth of today’s delivery organization to focus on the core responsibility of delivering tested application.Delivery organization also needs to provision and re-provision hardware and software for ever increasing requirements of development and testing in addition to the resources. Also, setting up of separate hardware and software takes time as well as prone to configuration errors. Plus, separate hardware installations consumes space which is at a premium.
Solution:The solution to above mentioned usage pain points is to setup private cloud. Eucalyptus...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bonita - Using the REST API

Today I updated my LinkedIn profile, I have decided to join the Bonitasoft group (it 's an open source BPM tool, more info go to website).
I finally found this simple tutorial to understand the use of the Bonitasoft REST api.Thanks Ben

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Creating Cascade Parameters with Pentaho Report Designer 3.5.

Working on the jAPS/Pentaho integration I found  problems such as the use of cascading parametersI find very useful the following post by Prashant Raju. 
I followed his tutorial and the analysis of the file prtp this allow me to understand how  are structured the files:
  • datadefinition.xml, 
  • compound-ds.xml,
  •  sql-ds.xml
  • ...
This allow me to create dynamic forms inside a jAPS showlet(*) and execute  reports.
Thx again Prashant.

(*)A “Showlet” is a pluggable user interface component that displays contents, resources and usable services in a web page.
A showlet engine allows to manage these components in terms of configuration and position in a web page. More info 

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

OpenBravo installation problem

In these days trying to install from source Openbravo found a lot of problems due to the fact that my version of ubuntu is 10.10 and therefore postgresql 8.3 was  no longer supported.
The error returned was due to the lack of library-postgresql contrib-8.3 no longer supported.
 Googling I found this link that allows  to do download the library and all its dependencies


Greetings and Happy New Year to all