Showing posts with label BI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BI. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Tableau - Building Effective Dashboards

When a dashboard is done right, people wonder how they ever lived without it. Why? A well-designed dashboard is a launch point for your analytics. Armed with the same powerful collection of information, your business makes faster decisions based on a single source of truth.
Read this whitepaper to discover how:
  • Thoughtful planning will allow you to become familiar with your dashboard audience, evaluate proper display size, and appropriately plan for fast load times.
  • Informed design draws from the “sweet spot” of visual cues, is critical of view and color quantity, incorporates interactivity to encourage exploration, and considers progressive formatting.
  • Refining your dashboard puts the onus on tooltips, emphasizes the story within your story, eliminates clutter, and sets you up for dashboard testing opportunities.
Read more 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Step by Step guide to learn Time Series Modelling

Hi all, thank's to Tavish Srivastava I finally found a useful post about Time Series.

here is the part 1 intro:
Regression Models, both linear and logistic are an inevitable part of Analytics industry. Take a flashback & recall, when did you built your last Time Series model. Time series models are very useful models when you have serially correlated data. In case you have never built a time series model or you struggle with some concepts of time series models, you have landed at the right page.
and this the part 2 intro:
This is the second part of the step by step guide to Time Series Modelling. In the first part, we looked at basics of time series, stationary series, random walk and Dicky Fuller test. If you have not read this article, I would suggest to go through that first.
In this article we will talk about handling time series data on R. Our scope of this article will be restricted to data exploring in a time series type of dataset and not go to building time series models.  In this article I have used an inbuilt dataset of R called AirPassengers. The dataset consists of monthly totals of international airline passengers, 1949 to 1960. This article will help you explore the data step by step and we will make predictions based on this data for the number of passengers post 1960 in next few articles.
My suggestion read and test it Part 1 & Part 2 


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Japsersoft BI Suite Tutorials: Drill down functionality example on HTML-5 charts ...

Hi Guys,

I have read and test the latest post from Sadakar. I must say that it allowed me to better understand some tip on how to manage drill down with HTML5 and Jasper Studio. This will  allow me to review the  Entando / Jaspersoft connector and provide more dynamic effects in the presentation in dashboards and graphs.

Read it 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Evolving Landscapes for SmartCities Event in Dublin

Best practices, frameworks, case studies and solutions
Creating a road map for Smart Cities is a complicated matter. The necessary steps depend on cities’ objectives and on existing local resources. Road maps require a detailed analysis of the city: its resources, infrastructure and pattern of energy demand.
Learn how smart technologies will live up to the challenges of sustainable development and seamless integration and meet our experts and our Partners Real-TCRS4Redburn SolutionsJaspersoft and Stratus5 and understand how Entando Platform and other technologies work together to provide an end to end solutions for Smartcities.
The Evolving Landscapes – Smart Cities conference will bring you world experts presenting best practices, case studies, and solutions.
Date and Time: 22th October 2013 at 9:15 am
Location: Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin 8
Who should attend?
  • City stakeholders
  • Local administrators
  • Solution providers
  • Developers

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do you Really Need to Embrace Analytics? - Information Management Online Article

Do you Really Need to Embrace Analytics? - Information Management Online Article: "If you have not witnessed the deluge of big data and business analytics media coverage to date, then welcome back from the coma you were apparently in for the last couple of years. For the rest of you, perhaps you have the same nagging question that I have: Are big data and business analytics such a big deal that if our organization is late to the party in deploying them, we will never catch up to our competitors?"

'via Blog this'

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Entando and Social Business Intelligence

Last Post From the Blog Entando Universe :

The paradigm of Social Business Intelligence comes from the simple consideration that managers generally do not use business intelligence application (due to unnecessary complications and lack of  understanding) but need:
  • dashboards accessible from various devices (desktop or mobile) that show the synthesis of monitored performance (sales, accounts receivable, purchasing, logistics, HR, etc.), leaving it to technical people the ability to navigate the wealth of information reporting functions and detail
  • share and comment (socialization) amounts with colleagues (wherever they are) to speed up decisions on actions or corrections
  • add crowdsourcing functions on various topics relating to individual performance to stimulate ideas and suggestions for improving the business organization

Read More 
Thank's to Gianni Previdi - Ceo Kyros

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Entando Events – Open Source IT Solutions for companies and governments

 Modean, Michelangelo Business Center

 Entando will attend to the event “Open Source IT solutions for processes of collaboration, social CRM, BI, E-commerce for companies and public organizations.”
The event will be held in Modena, on Thursday 27th of September at 2:30 pm at Michelangelo Business Center.
For more information visit the Entando website.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Entando Analytics

Pour les entreprises, avoir une solution professionelle d'analyse est un facteur prépondérant pour la prise de décisions. Souvent, les portails n'ont pas de module d'Analytics. Entando connais l'importance de fournir à ses utilisateurs un module Analytics qui leur permettent de gèrer les décisions.
Types de Analytics fournies par Entando
  • Sales Analytics - pour se connecter à n'importe quel CRM et comprendre mieux à quel point sont vos ventes et vos clients
  • Portail Analytics - pour analyser la fréquentation de votre portail et récolter les informations de façon a planifier les campagnes de marketing
  • Business Intelligence - par le biais du plugin de Pentaho vous pouvez utiliser les outils de la BI
Pour plus d'info

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ensuring Success in Your Enterprise-wide BI Project

From I suggest this intersting post.

"Thinking big is fine for BI projects, but how can you avoid ending up with a department-level project or one that doesn’t meet the original requirements? To find out the best project management practices, we turned to Peter LePine, managing director for the BI and information management practice at Emtec Inc.
Peter has lead successful projects at Fortune 500 companies in high-tech manufacturing, life sciences, finance, and insurance, using tools and technologies such as ETL, source data profiling, master data management, data warehouse and data marts following Kimball's data modeling approach, business intelligence reports, analytics, and dashboards. He’s delivered enterprise-scale projects utilizing the leading data architect, ETL, BI, analytics, and dashboard technologies."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Creating a Business Intelligence Culture

From the last  Ann All post
"For some time now there's been a lot of buzz about companies getting business intelligence into the hands of more users, with the aim of getting the right information to the right people at the right time (or words to that effect). The conventional wisdom: Companies are limiting the potential usefulness of BI by making it available only to specialists, who create reports from centralized data and make those reports available only to select decision makers. 
Not everyone agrees with this, of course..."

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The 4 Prerequisites of Business Intelligence - Insurance & Technology

What steps must insurance companies take to move beyond point solutions to enterprisewide business intelligence that drives informed, data-driven decision making at all levels of the organization?
read it

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pentaho and jAPS Target Italian Government with Business Intelligence

Technology Partnership Forms a Unique and Innovative Solution for Government Agencies
Pentaho Corporation, the commercial open source alternative for business intelligence (BI), and jAPS, the emerging open source Enterprise Accessible Information Platform, announced a strategic technology partnership aimed at delivering cost effective information applications to the Italian government. Through tighter integration between jAPS and Pentaho, the Italian government can take advantage of fully integrated BI solutions to make government intelligence information accessible to more individuals, including those with disabilities.