Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cloud. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2013

Evolving Landscapes for SmartCities Event in Dublin

Best practices, frameworks, case studies and solutions
Creating a road map for Smart Cities is a complicated matter. The necessary steps depend on cities’ objectives and on existing local resources. Road maps require a detailed analysis of the city: its resources, infrastructure and pattern of energy demand.
Learn how smart technologies will live up to the challenges of sustainable development and seamless integration and meet our experts and our Partners Real-TCRS4Redburn SolutionsJaspersoft and Stratus5 and understand how Entando Platform and other technologies work together to provide an end to end solutions for Smartcities.
The Evolving Landscapes – Smart Cities conference will bring you world experts presenting best practices, case studies, and solutions.
Date and Time: 22th October 2013 at 9:15 am
Location: Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin 8
Who should attend?
  • City stakeholders
  • Local administrators
  • Solution providers
  • Developers

Layershift Blog Managed PHP hosting with custom Apache modules

From Layershift blog I suggest this post:

In Jelastic 1.9.2 we’ve brought enhanced support for Apache & PHP to the table. Our latest Jelastic release now offers mod_security and mod_geoip – both modules are installed by default and ready to use as soon as your environment is created.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Think G-Cloud 2012

Entando will attend to the « Think G-Cloud 2012 » event and it is a Gold Sponsor.

The event will be in London, on Thursday 18th of October at Business Design Centre.
The Think G-Cloud 2012 agenda aims to reflect the dynamism of its subject matter. This programme is designed to keep the interest and relevance of the day focussed right until the end. Often conference numbers trail off after lunch as it is felt the real attractions are in the am sessions. This is not the case with Think G-Cloud. This day is designed to inspire from start to finish.

Entando will hold an interactive workshops  »Open Source Software in Government: The Art of the Possible’ during the seminar section.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The NewSQL Movement - ReadWriteCloud

"This post is part of our ReadWriteCloud channel, which is dedicated to covering virtualization and cloud computing. The channel is sponsored by Intel and VMware. Read the case study about how IBM helped one client solved its server sprawl problems."
The NewSQL Movement - ReadWriteCloud

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Easy Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) : Setting up Enterprise Private Cloud - Eucalyptus

Hi, today I need to suggest a Tejas Bavishi post:
During many phased of SDLC, there is a need to create hardware and software environments repeatedly to perform development, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. This repeated deployment of hardware and software takes lot of time and eats into the bandwidth of today’s delivery organization to focus on the core responsibility of delivering tested application.Delivery organization also needs to provision and re-provision hardware and software for ever increasing requirements of development and testing in addition to the resources. Also, setting up of separate hardware and software takes time as well as prone to configuration errors. Plus, separate hardware installations consumes space which is at a premium.
Solution:The solution to above mentioned usage pain points is to setup private cloud. Eucalyptus...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to create a private cloud in your laptop

From the datacharmer blog:
Everybody is moving to cloud architectures, although not all agree on what cloud computing is.
Read it