Wednesday, January 5, 2011

OpenBravo installation problem

In these days trying to install from source Openbravo found a lot of problems due to the fact that my version of ubuntu is 10.10 and therefore postgresql 8.3 was  no longer supported.
The error returned was due to the lack of library-postgresql contrib-8.3 no longer supported.
 Googling I found this link that allows  to do download the library and all its dependencies


Greetings and Happy New Year to all

1 comment:

  1. Rinaldo,

    installing Openbravo from sources is a fine exercise but did you know that Openbravo is present in partner repository for Ubuntu? After enabling that repository, you can get the full Openbravo stack with a click directly from the Software Center or by typing:
    sudo apt-get install openbravo-erp.

    In any case, congratulations for your successful installation from sources. Enjoy your Openbravo server!

