Showing posts with label IaaS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IaaS. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Easy Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) : Setting up Enterprise Private Cloud - Eucalyptus

Hi, today I need to suggest a Tejas Bavishi post:
During many phased of SDLC, there is a need to create hardware and software environments repeatedly to perform development, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing. This repeated deployment of hardware and software takes lot of time and eats into the bandwidth of today’s delivery organization to focus on the core responsibility of delivering tested application.Delivery organization also needs to provision and re-provision hardware and software for ever increasing requirements of development and testing in addition to the resources. Also, setting up of separate hardware and software takes time as well as prone to configuration errors. Plus, separate hardware installations consumes space which is at a premium.
Solution:The solution to above mentioned usage pain points is to setup private cloud. Eucalyptus...