Hi to all,
yes again here speaking about Entando, after installing it with maven (First step with Entando ), now we go to install Entando using NetBeans 7.01
java, postgresql, tomcat, NetBeans 7.01 are all present on the PC.
a postgresql user agile with password agile is configured
1. Start Netbeans
2. Create New Project
3. Select Maven - Project From Archetype click Next
5. Select Entando: Archetype For Generic Portal (the version number can be different)
6. Click next and complete the form
yes we've just create a project based on Entando (whow very simple and fast).
Another few important steps
1. create the db:
1.1 in your project expand the build.xml file
1.2 execute PG-db-full-update this task create the db used by the project
2. run the project
2.1 click on run project select your webapp server I suggest tomcat 6.xx
if all it's ok you'll see this page
login as suggested in the web page and you see the administration console
Fine yes?
Simple poprtal with no plugin so next question is How can I insert a plugin in my project/portal?
first read the entando guide:
How to add some Plugins to my own portal based on mavenized Entando on GitHub
Read it?
Ok, go back to NetBeans
stop tomcat and open pom.xml file
insert the code you find in the entando guide and your pom.xml will look like this
pay attention to change the version (here we have 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT) to the last one, how? easy select 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT and click ctrlspacebar and Netbeans will suggest you the last number version.
Save the pom.xml file, clean and build your project.
Now it's time to update the db to be compliant with the plugin inserted in the project, so expand the build.xml file and execute the task PG-db-restore-plugins
Run the projcet, login and you can see the plugin in the list.
et voilà, very simple and easy.
Now it's Christmas time so
Happy Christmas to all
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