Showing posts with label GitHub. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GitHub. Show all posts

Friday, May 10, 2013

Your portal with Entando

You are curious to see how you can create a portal with Entando, nothing more simple.
I urge you to read this Trumbitta guide "Entando: an unexpected journey. Or, my portal from scratch."

Good Entando to all


Monday, April 22, 2013

Entando Wiki

Today I want to talk about the Entando Wiki.
Well as you know Entando version 3.2 was launched on the web and therefore as each new version it is necessary to review all the technical documentation.

The development team is in the process to complete this process and is has already releasing the most important document to permit you to start developing using this new version.

So click here to access the Entando Wiki page on GitHub.
At the moment available documents are (I changed the order of the list of documents to try to follow a logical order that seems most consistent for me )

General documentation

This is a good starting point to begin to develop poprtails and web applications using Entando

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Becoming an Entando developer

Did you know that you can write applications that work with content stored in Entando? With our Public API, you can query, update, and delete contents, resources stored in your Entando portals.

Becoming an Entando developer costs nothing and you can create as many API keys as you need. Documentation, sample code, and other resources can be found on the Entando Developer Portal at Entando GitHub

Friday, December 16, 2011

First step with Entando

The new version of Entando is out and as reported in the following post "Enter Maven and GitHub"   mMven and GitHub are used.

mmm ... Maven?
question: how do I install / use the new version of Entando?
answer: ?????

So I started studying a bit of Maven, read the blog posts, wikis, tested,...

So the result is I can install and deploy a portal based on Entando in a few minutes
  java, postgresql, tomcat are all present on the PC.
  a postgresql user agile with password agile is configured .
1. Install maven
2. open a terminal
3. create a directory for the project you want to create
3. cd into the directory you just created
4. type mvn archetype: generate-Dfilter = entando
5. answer the following questions:
5.1 Choose archetype:
1: remote -> org.entando.entando: entando-archetype-plugin-generic (Generic Archetype Plugin for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source portal platform.)
2: remote -> org.entando.entando: entando-generic-portal-archetype (Archetype for Entando Generic Portal: an agile, modern and user-centric open source portal platform.)
Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:] artifactId, contains case sensitive):
choose 2

Choose org.entando.entando: entando-portal-archetype-generic version:
2: 2.4.0
Choose a number: 2:
choose 1 [the list of version may differ we're now on version 4.0]
Define value for property 'groupId':: it.testentando
Define value for property 'artifactId':: testentando
Define value for property 'version': 1.0-SNAPSHOT: (accept default)
Define value for property 'package': it.testentando: (accept default)
displays the list of choices if you run press Y otherwise press N and repeat from step 5.1
That's all now we have a folder containing the created project (in this case testentando).
6.Populate the db
6.1 Configure the buildProperties.xml for your Operatin System
6.2 open a  terminal and type
cd testentando
ant  PG-db-full-update 
This step is not required , no postgres is require for the first run.

7. last step:
in the folder src/main/filters check the properties file to ensure that the configurations of Tomcat and the postgresql password is correct (in case you doesn't use agile/agile).

Now you're ready to start the portal.
  mvn clean jetty:run 


et voilĂ  Entando is running

            The Entando wiki on GitHub
            Entando download