Monday, August 27, 2012

Jaspersoft : Small development companies can make analytics work

Interesting article from Jaspersoft
Analyzing customer data is not reserved for large companies. With the debut of affordable technologies such as cloud BI and open-source BI, the process of improving strategy through consumer insight spread to small to medium-sized businesses. AltDevBlogADay contributor Ted Spence explained how small companies in the game development community can analyze customer data.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Why CRM in a Portal?

Hi, today I will suggest my last post from
Why CRM in a Portal?
In the past few months I have taken care of marketing, which is to say that I am no longer on the side of those who created the software to meet the requirement of the clients or partners.I have become the one who says, I need this and I need that ...
I began to see how I could benefit by the use of Entando. I knew that one of my problems was the lack of a process to have direct access to the leads created from the web portal.
During my web search, I found a lot of documentation that would cause me to understand how this can be done and it seems that all of this can be solved using a CRM.
 Read the full post here


Thursday, July 12, 2012

Enterprise Portals & Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Interesting post (read the post) who tries to put together the ERP and Enterprise Portals. I can add that in addition OpenBravo why we could not insert openERP

I think I would come back to brief the argument to see the possibilities of integrating ERP and Entando

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