Showing posts with label openERP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label openERP. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Enterprise Portals & Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Interesting post (read the post) who tries to put together the ERP and Enterprise Portals. I can add that in addition OpenBravo why we could not insert openERP

I think I would come back to brief the argument to see the possibilities of integrating ERP and Entando

Speak later

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Intercept null value on a query

These last days working to create a Pentaho report with openERP data, I came across a serious problem:
if a query return a null value arithmetic operations are in error. The question was how to intercept the null value, surfing on Google I found this
SELECT IFNULL (1,0) this query return 1
SELECT IFNULL(null, 0) this query return 0
Fine my problem was solved NO!!  openERP use postgresql and postgresql doesn't support IFNULL
Again surfing on Google and I found COALESCE
The postgresql manual say:
The COALESCE function returns the first arguments of ITS THAT IS NOT NULL. Returned is null only if all arguments are null. Often it is used to substitute a default value for null values 

Finally my problem was solved my query now  is something like this
SELECT COALESCE(sum(aal.amount * -1) , 0) FROM account_analytic_line AS aal WHERE (aal.account_id=83) and aal.journal_id = 3


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

OpenERP Technical Memento v0.6.3

OpenERP Technical Memento v0.6.3 released
[ v0.6.3 - 2010/03/22 ]
* Added mention of for v5.2
* Corrected OSV generic accessor example
* Improved ORM usage example: indentation, osv name
  and use of context
* Corrected '--relaxng' argument in tip about grammar
* Corrected tree/list example to include state field
  for colors
* Added default value for day_length in calendar view
* Minor typos and formatting

Friday, February 26, 2010

OpenERP Eclipse XML (view) Template

OpenERP's XML based view templates to create view, wizard, report with predefined templates. 
Watch the video

Monday, February 15, 2010

Brute Force your OpenERP data integration with OOOR inside the Kettle ETL

OpenERP is all the rage among open source ERP's but its native import/export have limitations when it comes to data integration. Server side OpenERP import/export is powerful but not so easy to get started and get interfaced. On the contrary, the famous Kettle open source ETL from Pentaho connects to almost anything, any SGBD thanks to the JDBC connectors, any CSV, Excell files...
With TerminatOOOR you have all the power of the full OpenERP API right inside your ETL data in/out flow. You can do any Create Read Update Delete operation enforcing the access rights of OpenERP. But you are absolutely not imited to that, in fact you can just do anything you would do with your OpenERP client: click buttons, perform workflow actions, trigger on_change events... This is because OOOR gives you the full access to OpenERP API.Thanks rvalyi (more...)