Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Tableau - Building Effective Dashboards

When a dashboard is done right, people wonder how they ever lived without it. Why? A well-designed dashboard is a launch point for your analytics. Armed with the same powerful collection of information, your business makes faster decisions based on a single source of truth.
Read this whitepaper to discover how:
  • Thoughtful planning will allow you to become familiar with your dashboard audience, evaluate proper display size, and appropriately plan for fast load times.
  • Informed design draws from the “sweet spot” of visual cues, is critical of view and color quantity, incorporates interactivity to encourage exploration, and considers progressive formatting.
  • Refining your dashboard puts the onus on tooltips, emphasizes the story within your story, eliminates clutter, and sets you up for dashboard testing opportunities.
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Friday, February 10, 2017

Risingstack - Building a Microservices Example Game with Distributed Messaging

In this article, you'll lear how to build a microservices example game: a "hot potato" style small multiplayer app. During this process, we'll learn how Hydra helps to facilitate distributed messaging.

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Friday, February 3, 2017

Writing a cron job microservice with Serverless and AWS Lambda

The folks at recently had a situation where they needed to create a new cron job to fetch all users from their database who are coming to the end of their trial and insert them into the database.
Read the blog post