Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cagliari Code Week 2014, al via una settimana dedicata alla programmazione

“In principio doveva essere un evento di uno o due giorni”, così ci racconta Raffaella Sanna dell’Associazione no-profit Sardegna 2050 una delle promotrici dell’evento Cagliari Code Week 2014. “Poi, grazie all’entusiasmo ed alla partecipazione di tanti si è trasformato in una settimana ricca e piena di iniziative”.
Leggi tutto il post 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Data Mining on Facebook Data : Basic Tutorial

Hi Guys,
from 's blog a very simple step by step guide on how to obtain an Access Token from Facebook and start to do Data Analysis using R.
Very clear simple and easy to use
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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Japsersoft BI Suite Tutorials: Drill down functionality example on HTML-5 charts ...

Hi Guys,

I have read and test the latest post from Sadakar. I must say that it allowed me to better understand some tip on how to manage drill down with HTML5 and Jasper Studio. This will  allow me to review the  Entando / Jaspersoft connector and provide more dynamic effects in the presentation in dashboards and graphs.

Read it 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Wearing too many hats? Here’s how to tackle multiple priorities at work

I found this this post at the right time in my career, a lot of new, increased work

Clarify your priorities

As you start to see projects pile up on your desk, or even if there was an official meeting where you were tasked with taking on the responsibilities of an open position, take some time to talk one-on-one with your manager. Figure out what tasks are really priorities and what will just have to wait until you have more time.
This can be a hard conversation to have with your manager or even with yourself. To start, here are a few questions to consider inspired by Business Productivity:
  1. What projects will have negative consequences if we put them off?
  2. What projects will give us the biggest return if we tackle them now?
  3. What are the long-term projects that can be done slowly over time and what are the short-term projects that require immediate attention?
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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Essential Qualities of Promotable Employees

I would like to report this Alexander M. Orlando post - The Essential Qualities of Promotable Employees -
I must say that after a very careful reading I find myself in a lot of the key elements he propose as ie Displays Humility, Team Player, Leader, ...

Good Reading to all!