Friday, August 11, 2017

O.S.A. another way to write User Stories?

Anyone who uses, or has knowledge of, Agile methodology like SCRUM, Kanban, Extreme Programming, ... knows what the Users Stories are. For those who do not know what they are, here there is a synth summary:
Users Stories are cards that follow these basic rules:
  • As a user/ admin / customer
  • I want to ...
  • So that I can ...

In his book "User Stories appliedMike Cohen describes them in this way:

What Is a User Story?
A user story describes functionality that will be valuable to either a user Purchaser or purchaser of a system or software. User stories are composed of three aspects:
  • A written description of the story used for planning and as a reminder
  • Conversations about the story that serves to flesh out the details of the story
  • tests that convey and document details and that can be used to determine when a story is complete
From April 2017, I've been attending the training course  FLY program in Cagliari (Find the Leader in You). Fly is a program of Roberto Re, with Special Thanks to coach Eloisa Bonetti

The program will be based on a cycle of 8 lessons, and the topics of these 8 lessons are:
  • Effective Communication
  • Persuasive Communication
  • Time management
  • Mental attitude
  • Body language
  • Transactional analysis
  • Public speaking

During one of these lessons about time management and goal setting, it was presented the O.S.A. Table (Scope Objective Action). In Italian OSA can be seen as the conjugation of the verb "to dare". The principle is simple, you draw a table with 3 columns and you insert your goal, the scope of this goal and the actions to reach the goal.On returning home, I was still wondering if this technique could be used for the drafting of user stories. I tried and I have to say that the result is encouraging. 

Table OSA

Detailed Plan
  • Create Suppliers DB
  • Create Suppliers UX
  • ...
Defined specifically,
  • The system must allow device vendors to register
  • To be able to create a catalog of devices suppliers (PC, Tablets, Laptop, ...)
  • To be able to allow students to spend buyer vouchers at listed suppliers
  • ...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Tableau - Building Effective Dashboards

When a dashboard is done right, people wonder how they ever lived without it. Why? A well-designed dashboard is a launch point for your analytics. Armed with the same powerful collection of information, your business makes faster decisions based on a single source of truth.
Read this whitepaper to discover how:
  • Thoughtful planning will allow you to become familiar with your dashboard audience, evaluate proper display size, and appropriately plan for fast load times.
  • Informed design draws from the “sweet spot” of visual cues, is critical of view and color quantity, incorporates interactivity to encourage exploration, and considers progressive formatting.
  • Refining your dashboard puts the onus on tooltips, emphasizes the story within your story, eliminates clutter, and sets you up for dashboard testing opportunities.
Read more