Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sencha Touch 1.0 Ships – Now Free!

It was finally released version 1.0 of Sencha Touch, JavaScript frameworks dedicated to mobile devices created by the company that has developed Ext.J
The great news is that Sencha Touch is now free to open source projects   

The Web Design Process Part 1: Discovery

New post on Sitepoint: The first in a series of three where you’ll look at how to get started with creating your web design layout.  Read it

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

To-Do Lists: 10 Tips for Increasing Productivity

I wish to suggest you this SitePoint Alyssa Gregory post :
Productivity is something we can all benefit from, and there are a lot of ways you can work to improve your productivity. To-do lists are one of many activities people use to become more productive and ensure nothing falls through the cracks. But there is a major divide when it comes to to-do lists. There are those who believe that lists help keep them accountable and on track, and those who believe that lists do nothing more than create an environment of stress.
Read all the post from here


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Traduzione in italiano del libro "Kanban & Scrum - making the best of both"

Fabio Armani ha tradotto il libro "Kanban & Scrum - making the best of both"
Potete scaricarlo seguendo questo link su InfoQ

Grazie Fabio per l'ottimo lavoro


Friday, September 24, 2010


This article is a brief guide to setting up WebDAV on Apache2 in Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) with Digest AUTH enabled. Some of the guides already available around the web focus on Basic AUTH or provide partially confusing information about Digest AUTH (including the official Apache2 documentation).