Friday, May 10, 2013

Your portal with Entando

You are curious to see how you can create a portal with Entando, nothing more simple.
I urge you to read this Trumbitta guide "Entando: an unexpected journey. Or, my portal from scratch."

Good Entando to all


Monday, April 22, 2013

Entando Wiki

Today I want to talk about the Entando Wiki.
Well as you know Entando version 3.2 was launched on the web and therefore as each new version it is necessary to review all the technical documentation.

The development team is in the process to complete this process and is has already releasing the most important document to permit you to start developing using this new version.

So click here to access the Entando Wiki page on GitHub.
At the moment available documents are (I changed the order of the list of documents to try to follow a logical order that seems most consistent for me )

General documentation

This is a good starting point to begin to develop poprtails and web applications using Entando

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Becoming an Entando developer

Did you know that you can write applications that work with content stored in Entando? With our Public API, you can query, update, and delete contents, resources stored in your Entando portals.

Becoming an Entando developer costs nothing and you can create as many API keys as you need. Documentation, sample code, and other resources can be found on the Entando Developer Portal at Entando GitHub

Sunday, March 24, 2013

How to write great how-to posts

On the surface, writing a good instructional piece might sound pretty easy, but if you’ve read more than a few poorly written posts after combing the web for advice, you know not everyone’s got the knack.
Darren Rowse has ten years of experience instructing others and would like to offer these seven nuggets of advice on the art of teaching through blog posts.

Read more on Alltop How to write great how-to posts