Thursday, May 23, 2013

Entando Dublin Bootcamp 15th May 2013

For all those who was present at the bootcamp in Dublin 15th May 2013  and ... ;) yes also for those that did not could partecipate,  here found the link where you can find the slides of my talk.
For those who want more info on the platform I'm available for confcall contact me r (dot) bonazzo (at) entando (dot) com


GitHub workflows inside of a company | NCZOnline

 very useful post for all those who use github (ie Entando on GitHub) or think to use it
GitHub workflows inside of a company | NCZOnline:

'via Blog this'

Friday, May 10, 2013

Your portal with Entando

You are curious to see how you can create a portal with Entando, nothing more simple.
I urge you to read this Trumbitta guide "Entando: an unexpected journey. Or, my portal from scratch."

Good Entando to all


Monday, April 22, 2013

Entando Wiki

Today I want to talk about the Entando Wiki.
Well as you know Entando version 3.2 was launched on the web and therefore as each new version it is necessary to review all the technical documentation.

The development team is in the process to complete this process and is has already releasing the most important document to permit you to start developing using this new version.

So click here to access the Entando Wiki page on GitHub.
At the moment available documents are (I changed the order of the list of documents to try to follow a logical order that seems most consistent for me )

General documentation

This is a good starting point to begin to develop poprtails and web applications using Entando