Rinaldo Bonazzo's Blog, outdoor passionate - sometimes likes to blog about Disruptive Technology #EnterprisePortal #BigData #Analytics #Cloud #Iot #node.js ...
In the fifties, the route to Everest was closed by Chinese-controlled Tibet. Nepal allowed one expedition per year. Hillary had been part of a British reconnaissance expedition to the mountain two years earlier in 1951. The 1953 Everest expedition consisted of a huge team of over 400 people, including 362 porters, 20 Sherpa guides and almost 5,000 kilograms of baggage. Expedition leader Hunt named two British mountaineers: Tom Bourdillon and Charles Evans as the first assault team. Hillary and Norgay were the second assault team. Bourdillon and Evans attempted the climb, but due to a failing oxygen system only reached the South Col, about 100 meters below the summit. Then Hillary and Norgay got their chance. A crucial last part of climbing Mount Everest is a 12-meter rock face, which Hillary managed to climb. Today it is known as the Hillary Step. They reached the 8,848-meter high summit, the highest point on Earth, at 11:30 a.m. on May 29, 1953. More on linkedin
As promised I'm back to talk about Entando, today I'll present the second article in the Entando technical series. I'll talk about the Entando Core Services.
Before starting I suggest you to take a look at the package com.agiletec.aps.system.services in the Core Engine Entando, you can download it from https://github.com/entando/entando-core-engine
The Entando Core Services layer contains the business logic for the portal platform, the plugin included out of the box, the external data Services, The External Application Services, the UI Control and the REST API public interface.
The following lists present the basic services that are provided by default by Entando
authorization this is the service that manages and verifies the permissions to access the portal displaying all the necessary methods
baseconfig this is the service that manage the configuration. The configuration consists of items , identified by a name, and parameters (Parameters can be Simple strings or Complex XML texts)
cache this is the service that manage the System cache it’s based on the EhCache library.
category this is the service that manage the Category tree
controller this is the service that controls the execution of a request from the client. The execution is carried out in sequence by invoking any other services specified in configuration
group this is the service that manage the user’s group
i18n this is the service that provides strings/labels based on the used language(local). The strings/labels are specified by an identification key and the reference language.
keygenerator as Entando doesn't use the Db sequences generator, for be independent from different players (mySql, Oracle, Postgresql,...) we had create our own sequence service
lang this is the service that manage the different language used in the portal.
page this is the service that manage the pages. Pages are held in a tree-like structure, to allow a hierarchical access.
role this is the service that manage the different users role present in the portal (for ie administrator, editor, guest, …)
showlettype this the service that manage the different showlet(*) type used in the portal
url this is the service that manage URL and creates a full URL to a portal page based on essential information
user this is the service that manage the users registered in the portal
That's it for now. I expect you all to my next post
(*) Showlets are a key element in the creation of portals with Entando. In short Showlets are dynamic blocks of the portal, all those elements that are expected to want to move, adapt or change in the handling of the pages.(I will talk more in detail about showlet in a later post )