Friday, April 8, 2011

Mikael Ronstrom: MySQL Cluster - NoSQL access with some SQL

Mikael Ronstrom: MySQL Cluster - NoSQL access with some SQL: "As someone noted in a blog, the NDB API is a NoSQL API that was designed 15 years ago."

Developing Community Management Metrics and Tools for Mozilla

Interesting post from
read it

The NewSQL Movement - ReadWriteCloud

"This post is part of our ReadWriteCloud channel, which is dedicated to covering virtualization and cloud computing. The channel is sponsored by Intel and VMware. Read the case study about how IBM helped one client solved its server sprawl problems."
The NewSQL Movement - ReadWriteCloud

Friday, April 1, 2011

Google Page Speed Goes Online and Mobile

Google has made Page Speed available online, enhancing it for analyzing web pages targeted at smartphones.
more on InfoQ