Monday, January 30, 2017

DZone - Top 17 Tools Used in Software Development

Thanks to  Lea Maya Karam for this useful blogpost
From Docker to Slack and even Spotify, these are the top seventeen tools that can be incredibly useful to software developers.
Read it

Friday, January 20, 2017

What I'm reading: What’s a Linked List, Anyway? [Part 1]

This visual tutorial on linked lists from Vaidehi Joshi is one that you’ll want to bookmark to return to again. Starting with the backbone of data structures and moving to memory management and beyond, What’s a Linked List, Anyway? [Part 1] is a fantastic resource. The best part? There’s more of the series to come!
Have a nice day!

Monday, January 16, 2017

RisingStack: The 10 Most Important Node.js Articles of 2016

2016 was an exciting year for Node.js developers. I mean - just take a look at this picture:

Every industry has adopted Node.js

Looking back through the 6-year-long history of Node.js, we can tell that our favorite framework has finally matured to be used by the greatest enterprises, from all around the world, in basically every industry.
Another great news is that Node.js is the biggest open source platform ever - with 15 million+ downloads/month and more than a billion package downloads/week. Contributions have risen to the top as well since now we have more than 1,100 developers who built Node.js into the platform it is now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 - 3 Ideas to Improve a Scaled Sprint Review

In this blog post Barry Overeem share th challenges he faces within Amsterdam Airport Schiphol describing some experiments he might try to deal them.
Read the Blog post

Monday, January 2, 2017

How Big Data Is Being Used to Fight Infectious Disease Threats

We hear all the time about innovative and interesting things that big data can be used for, but it’s rare we actually get to experience it for ourselves. With recent events, however, that may be changing.
Medical information — or big data — extracted from health records, Internet resources, social media and even some other sources is being used to combat infectious diseases and deadly outbreaks. This is extremely important, because in the past, physical information such as laboratory test results and public health records have been the focus. However, there are some disadvantages with using traditional information.
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