Wednesday, November 30, 2016

RisingStack - Understanding the Node.js Event Loop

RisingStack create a very useful collection of article about Node.js.

In this article they helps us to understand how the Node.js event loop works, and how we can leverage it to build fast applications. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Matt Strimas-Mackey - Fishnets and Honeycomb: Square vs. Hexagonal Spatial Grids

In spatial analysis, we often define grids of points or polygons to sample, index, or partition a study area. For example, we may want to overlay a study area with a grid of points as part of some regular spatial sampling scheme, divide a large region into smaller units for indexing purposes as with UTM grid zones, or slice the study area into subunits over which we summarize a spatial variable. In the latter scenario, the most common approach is to use a raster format, in which a grid of uniform square cells is overlayed on a study area and each cell is assigned a value for the spatial variables of interest. In ecology and conservation applications, variables may include number of individuals of a threatened species per grid cell, elevation, mean annual rainfall, or land use.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Martin Pohlmann - Our Journey to Git

Martin Pohlmann details his experience migrating from Subversion to Git, citing his plan and his results. In this post he shares some technical aspects of his journey with focus on the biggest obstacles he had to master: Combining multiple Subversion repositories into one Git repository, shrinking the repository size, dealing with Subversion externals and resulting changes in our development process. More

Friday, November 18, 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

DZone - Continuous Delivery: You're Doing It Wrong!

In this article, Alex Martins discusses why you should focus on building quality into an application instead of saving it for testing later.


DZone - BDD: Cucumber in Action

Cucumber is an open-source tool that is used to support Behavior Driven Development with plain text specifications. Implementations of Cucumber exist for number of platforms, including Java.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Ari Lamstein – How can I get good at R?

Everybody talks about R programming, how to learn, how to be good at it. But in this article, Ari Lamstein tells us his story about why and how he started with R along with how to publish, market and monetise R projects.
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InfoQ - A Reference Architecture for the Internet of Things

This is the first article of a two article series in which the authors try to work from the abstract level of IoT reference architectures towards the concrete architecture and implementation for selected use cases. This first article will cover the definition of a more concrete and comprehensible architecture whereas the second part  will then apply this architecture to actual use cases.
