Thursday, October 2, 2014

Cagliari Code Week 2014 - Creating a portal from Scratch

I would like to invite you to a laboratory organized for the "Cagliari Code Week 2014" in the Open Campus Tiscali, Sa Illetta in the framework of the European Code Weeka series of events spanning from the 11th to the 17th of OctoberAll labs are free.

 October 14th 2014from 17:30 to 19:30 CET
Laboratory: "Creating a portal from scratch"
 Open Campus Tiscali - Building

Rinaldo Bonazzo
Rinaldo Bonazzo is a specialist in Business Intelligence and in integration with social tools within Open Source projects, in particular in the field of web solutions based on Java technologies. He can boast over 30 years of experience in the industry, acquired working as a project manager and Chief Engineer of several European projects.
Rinaldo is also member of Sardegna 2050.

The workshop will focus on development techniques for websites and responsive portals built with Bootstrap. It will illustrate new web design techniques to build web portals quickly and easily. A basic knowledge of Java is required, along with the installation of Maven. Maximum participants: 30/40.

The workshop is designed for participants 15 or older, is open to everyone and specifically addresses the needs of java developers and web designers. 
A laptop is needed, running one of the following operative systems: Ubuntu Linux >= 12.04 o Microsoft Windows 7/8 o Mac OS X Mountain Lion, Java JDK >= 
Version 1.6.0u32. 32bit is advised even in a 64bit system, along with Maven v.3.0 and an IDE of choice (Netbeans, Eclipse), possibly updated to the most recent version.

i'm  looking forward to seeing you!

Cagliari Code Week 2014, al via una settimana dedicata alla programmazione

“In principio doveva essere un evento di uno o due giorni”, così ci racconta Raffaella Sanna dell’Associazione no-profit Sardegna 2050 una delle promotrici dell’evento Cagliari Code Week 2014. “Poi, grazie all’entusiasmo ed alla partecipazione di tanti si è trasformato in una settimana ricca e piena di iniziative”.
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