Thursday, May 26, 2011

Latest News for Do It The jAPS Way

Today I wish to suggest you tis last two post from
Showlet Management console
It's time to edit



Monday, May 2, 2011

Couchbase Releases Beta for Mobile Couchbase for iOS

iPhone and iPad developers now have access to the market’s leading NoSQL database technology, and the only one providing native mobile-to-cloud data synchronization
more on noSqlSDtabases

02/05/2011 — Webinar: "Portal Meets Business Intelligence: 3A Latte Arborea, a Case Study about Dairy and Farming in Italy"

Tzente and Pentaho, on 24 th of May at 4:00 p.m. Italian time, organize a Webinar to present the integration between jAPS 2.0 entando platform and Pentaho Business Intelligence entitled "Portal Meets Business Intelligence: 3A Latte Arborea, a Case Study about Dairy and Farming in Italy".

During this webinar, you will see how 3A Latte Arborea, an Italian dairy and farming company, is using an integrated instance of the open source portal jAPS 2.0 entando and Pentaho Business Intelligence to satisfy the entire analytics process of their products, from the producer to the dairy.
The integration between jAPS 2.0 entando and Pentaho allows users to leverage a simple, customizable web interface for information sharing, collaborating, reporting, and charting economic and productivity data. The system processes the collected information and generates key performance indicators (KPIs) that individual companies use to compare with the entire sector.It also highlights areas of positive and negative performance, allowing companies to make faster, more informed decisions .

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